Missouri Road Signs Test 1

There’s a reason road signs are a crucial piece of Missouri driver’s education. Road signs offer critical data that can help keep you safe on the road.
Knowing road signs and their meanings is essential for making good driving decisions. Take for instance, yield signs let you know what to look for to know that it is okay to continue into the intersection, and stop signs signal that you need to come to a complete stop. Another big advantage of knowing your road signs is that you can more easily get around in new places and miss dangerous areas. So, whether you’re getting ready to take your driving test or are simply brushing up on your knowledge of the many important road signs in Missouri, be sure to pay attention to every road sign , they could save you from a very bad trip.

Missouri Road Sign Test

Go ahead and test your knowledge of the road signs in Missouri. Press start to begin and see how you score.


If you’re preparing for your upcoming driving test, signs will be an important element to be knowledgeable about. Our multiple-choice traffic road signs test is completely free and has a massive database of traffic signs for you to practice on your way to building your confidence for your test day. Road signs fall into three basic categories - regulatory signs, warning signs, and informative signs.  Our free DMV road sign test includes 25 multiple-choice questions and has no time limit. So take your time and feel free to take this test as often as you would like. Click the “Start Test” button below to begin your road sign practice test.

1 / 10

What does this sign indicate?

2 / 10

What should you prepare to do upon encountering this sign?

3 / 10

What should you look out for if you notice this sign while driving?

4 / 10

What does this sign indicate?

5 / 10

What does this sign indicate?

6 / 10

What does this sign indicate?

7 / 10

This class of sign is known as:

8 / 10

It is Tuesday morning at 8:59 am. Are you allowed to drive in this lane?

9 / 10

This cyclist is signaling that he is about to:

10 / 10

What does this sign indicate?

Your score is

The average score is 71%

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