CDL Practice Test


Welcome to our CDL practice test site as you attempt to obtain your CDL in Washington. Our practice questions are designed to be similar to questions you would encounter on the CDL Knowledge Test. You can take these practice test questions as many times as you like, and the site is free to use as you prepare to take the CDL test in Washington. You will be presented with 40 questions and you must answer 34 questions correctly to pass. There is a 50-minute time limit. You may not go back once you answer a question. Click the "Start Test" button below to begin.

1 / 40

How do you check the connection after locking the kingpin into the fifth wheel?

2 / 40

What is the purpose of a driver placarding his or her vehicle?

3 / 40

The most important hand signal you should agree on with a helper is:

4 / 40

The belt that you need to make sure is securely mounted, without frays, and adjusts and latches properly is the:

5 / 40

How do you supply air to the trailer tanks?

6 / 40

_____ create a little above 90 degree angle between the adjuster arm and push rod when the brakes are released and no less than 90 degrees when the brakes are applied.

7 / 40

The trailer should be lowered so that _____.

8 / 40

How should you know when to shift?

9 / 40

You should_____when the low pressure warning is activated:

10 / 40

When is it acceptable for non-hazardous materials to be described by hazard class words or identification numbers?

11 / 40

The best way to go into a curve is to decrease your speed going into the curve and then ____going through it.

12 / 40

You should line up_____when getting ready to back under the trailer.

13 / 40

Make sure that_____before you back under a trailer.

14 / 40

The air leakage rate for combination vehicles should not be more than _ psi a minute.

15 / 40

The blind spot behind the bus could extend to how many feet?

16 / 40

When driving a combination vehicle, the trailer breaks away severing the air lines. The trailer brakes should come on and ____.

17 / 40

You should check that the _____are secure, caps are on tight, and is not leaking.

18 / 40

What action should you take if there is no phone available and you discover your hazardous materials shipment leaking at a rest stop?

19 / 40

When would a drive-wheel skid result in a jackknife when pulling doubles?

20 / 40

Is this statement true or false: You do not need to use the parking brake if are leaving your vehicle for a short amount of time.

21 / 40

Which of the following statements about the bus interior is false?

22 / 40

You should place the starter switch key into your pocket while you are performing the pre-trip inspection because:

23 / 40

Do converter dollies have spring brakes?

24 / 40

What should you hear when you have the hand valve on and are testing the trailer brakes by opening the service air line at the back of the trailer?

25 / 40

When driving on a clear night with the vehicle lights on, your speed should be such that you can stop within _____.

26 / 40

You should never brake and should rely only steering inputs to avoid a crash while driving a tanker truck.

27 / 40

The golden rule for school buses when approaching and crossing railroad tracks is:

28 / 40

What does the amount of liquid allowed in the tank depend on?

29 / 40

How do you test the trailer service brakes?

30 / 40

When inspecting the_____you pump the pedals 3 times and then hold it down for 5 seconds feeling for no movement to occur.

31 / 40

Select how you would check the truck's slack adjusters.

32 / 40

You should_____to make an emergency stop with air brakes when using the stab braking method.

33 / 40

This object is required to be checked for damage, that it's secure, and strong enough to handle any cargo.

34 / 40

Select the correct description for a bulkhead tank.

35 / 40

Select the statement that is not part of the air-brake system:

36 / 40

In what position should shut off valves on the rear of the last trailer be in on a set of double trailers?

37 / 40

Do you need to stop before a railroad crossing if you are hauling 100 pounds of Division 4.3 Dangerous When Wet material?

38 / 40

Which of the following is a necessary qualification for non-bulk packaging?

39 / 40

The school bus driver may be the only contact person from school system some parents meet. The percentage of such parents is as high as:

40 / 40

After coupling with a trailer, what position should the front trailer supports be in before driving away?

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CDL Category Practice Tests

CDL Practice Test

How To Get A washington Commercial Drivers License

To be eligible for a CDL in Washington, applicants must meet the following age eligibility requirements.

  • Be at least 18 years old to operate a commercial vehicle intrastate (within Washington only).
  • Be at least 21 years old to operate a commercial vehicle interstate (outside of Washington).

Washington State CDL DOL applicants must be deemed to be physically fit to operate a commercial vehicle and pass a vision test. Applicants are required to submit the following documents.

  • (Form MCSA-5876) Medical Examiner’s Certificate (This document must be completed by an FMCSA-approved physician.
  • Self-Certification Document

Interstate non-excepted (drivers who do not work for the state or federal governments) must meet federal DOT requirements. Intrastate non-excepted drivers must meet the state requirements.

Drivers who have had their licenses revoked, suspended, denied or canceled are not eligible for a CDL in Washington. Applicants can be disqualified for having multiple licenses.

Washington CDL Endorsements

  • H – Hazmat Vehicles
  • N – Tank Vehicles
  • P – Passenger Vehicles
  • S – School Bus
  • T – Double or Triple Trailer
  • X – Combination Tank Vehicles and Hazmat Vehicles

Hit the Open Road

washington CDL License Test Tips

All Washington CDL applicants must pass the general knowledge test prior to taking the skills test. This test consists of 50 questions. To pass the Washington test, applicants must score 80 percent or higher. Applicants who require additional endorsements must pass additional tests and pay the required fees. The Washington skills test can be taken 14 days after applicants pass the knowledge test. It includes a pre-trip vehicle inspection, basic control skills and on-road driving. Applicants must pass each section.

Military veterans and current military members can apply to have the skills exam waived if they meet the requirements. To qualify for a waiver, applicants must:

  • Be active duty or honorably discharged from the military within the past year.
  • Have at least 2 years of experience operating a commercial vehicle as part of their military duties.
  • Submit (Form CDL-SK TST WVR) Application for Military Skills Test Waiver.
  • Submit (Form MCSA-5876) Medical Examiner’s Certificate.
  • Submit (Form 649-F) Medical Examination Report for Commercial Fitness Determination.

Additional Information

Information on the Washington State Department of Licensing

The Washington State Department of Licensing administers CDL license testing and regulations in Washington. To get more information contact them via:

Website: https://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/cdl.html

Phone: 360.902.3900


Additional Washington CDL Helpful Links

Please use the links below to access Washington CDL testing resources and to learn more about practice driving tests for the state of Washington.