Wyoming Truck Driving Schools

Wyoming is home to several great truck driving schools that will allow you to train to become a Class A CDL licensed truck driver. The process only takes a few weeks and sets you up for a flexible career path and job security.

Despite being a state with a small population, there are several good truck driving schools to choose from in the cities of Cheyenne, Gillette, and Casper. Sage Truck Driving School has two locations in the state. The other commercial CDL school is Mountain West Commercial Driving School. The other two are community colleges with good programs.

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Use the map below to locate a Wyoming truck driving school near your location. We have also listed out the address and phone number information for all of these schools.

Sage Truck Driving School8411 Airport Pkwy, Casper, WY 82604307-234-0242
Casper College125 College Dr, Casper, WY 82601307-268-2100
Sage Truck Driving School1938 Wyott Dr A-1, Cheyenne, WY 82007307-778-8041
Laramie County Community College1400 E College Dr, Cheyenne, WY 82007307-778-5222
Mountain West Commercial Driving School113 S Gillette Ave #231, Gillette, WY 82718307-299-3645