Motorcycle Test


The best way to pass the Illinois motorcycle exam is just like any exam - practice! Our website is specifically designed based on the official knowledge test you’ll take at the Secretary of State. The biggest exception is that if you fail our test you can take it again. Before you attempt you should first go through the Illinois Motorcycle Operator Manual which can be picked up at your local Illinois SOS or downloaded online here. When you take our practice test make sure to note which questions you get wrong so you can restudy them in your manual. Click the "Start Test" button below to begin your practice test.

1 / 25

In a motorcycle and car crash, the blame usually falls on:

2 / 25

If you get tired while riding, the best thing to do is:

3 / 25

A pre-ride inspection should be done:

4 / 25

If braking in a curve:

5 / 25

Shifting into a lower gear causes an effect similar to:

6 / 25

A helmeted rider is how many times more likely to survive a crash than a rider not wearing a helmet?

7 / 25

When riding with a passenger, you should inform the passenger to:

8 / 25

If your motorcycle starts and then cuts out shortly after and will not restart, the most likely issue is:

9 / 25

The best way to learn motorcycle maintenance is to:

10 / 25

When you upshift gear, you should:

11 / 25

If you fail to keep your right wrist flat when you start, you may:

12 / 25

If you are going too fast when you downshift, you run the risk of:

13 / 25

A good way of 'bonding' with your motorcycle is to:

14 / 25

The best way to avoid a crash is to:

15 / 25

When checking tire pressure:

16 / 25

Going through a curve, you should look where you want to go by turning:

17 / 25

You should check to make sure that your brake light:

18 / 25

To stop quickly, the best method is to:

19 / 25

The best time to adjust your mirrors is:

20 / 25

In car and motorcycle collisions, what percent are caused by the driver failing to properly yield the right-of-way to the rider?

21 / 25

Which of the following should you inspect during a pre-ride check?

22 / 25

You should roll on the throttle slightly as you go through a turn so that you:

23 / 25

If wet road conditions create a longer stopping distance, you should:

24 / 25

When braking, you should use:

25 / 25

If your motorcycle starts to handle differently during a ride you should:

Your score is

The average score is 68%

5/5 - (1 vote)

Motorcycle License

How To Get an Illinois Motorcycle License

You can't have the wind whipping past you as you speed down the Illinois roads if you don't have the proper endorsement first. Getting this endorsement is just a matter of passing a two-part exam that includes a written and on-cycle skills test. Once passed you will be awarded either a Class L or M on your license; the former which is for a motor-driven cycle less than 150cc and the latter for a motorcycle 150cc or greater displacement. For those that just want to practice, instructional permits are available. These permits last 12 months and restrict driving to daylight hours and under the direct supervision of a licensed motorist 21 years or older. Achieving a full license is applicable to anyone who passes the test and is 18 years or older. Those younger than 18 must first complete an approved driver education course before attempting for their motorcycle endorsement.

If you are unsure that you can pass either the knowledge or skills test of the motorcycle endorsement you need not despair. Basic Rider Courses (BRC) are available and get you up to speed on everything related to motorcycles. This 20-hour safety programs include both classroom and hands-on instructions. In it you'll learn the basic operations and fundamental skills you'll need to handle a motorcycle properly. With things like shifting, swerving, and other mental strategies you need to imbibe. Check out and sign up for a class today at one of the many locations.

Those with a motorcycle endorsement from another state and have just moved to Illinois need to do the following to get an Illinois endorsement:

  • Surrender your out of state license(s)
  • Pay the license fee
  • Pass the vision screening, written, and driving exam

Motorcycle Test

Illinois Motorcycle License Test Tips

The first part of the exam, the knowledge portion, will test to see if you know all the ins and outs of motorcycle operation, basic traffic safety, and specific techniques you need to know before you put the rubber on the road. The purpose of this test is to prove you are familiar with everything that goes into a motorcycle. You’ll be given 25 multiple-choice questions which 20 of them must be answered correctly. Using the information on this website in conjunction with the operator’s manual will ensure that you pass this test with flying colors.

The next portion is the on-cycle skills test, which shows an examiner that you are competent enough to drive a motorcycle on the roads of Illinois safely. In this exam, someone will give you a series of instructions which you then must complete to the best of your ability. These skills include basic things like accelerating, braking and turning. More advanced techniques related to swerving, quick stops, and others will also be tested. The Illinois Department of Transportation oversees this testing and to find a test site look through their facility finder.

Additional Information

Information on the Illinois Secretary of State

The IDOT is responsible for testing student drivers and licensing all drivers. To schedule your licensing examination or get more information contact them via:

Phone:  217.782.7820
Email:  [email protected]

To find the office hours and / or location nearest you, please visit:

Additional Illinois Motorcycle License Helpful Links

Please use the links below to learn more about helpful topics related to the Illinois motorcycle license test or other motorcycle license related topics.