CDL Air Brakes Test


This is the Commercial Vehicle Driver's License Test covering Air Brakes.  You will be presented with 40 questions and you must answer 34 questions correctly to pass.  There is no time limit.  You may not go back once you answer a question.  Click the "Start Quiz" button below to begin.  Good luck!

1 / 40

Select the true statement in regards to your brake function when your ABS fails

2 / 40

Select the statement that tells you how you can check the low pressure warning signal.

3 / 40

A slack adjuster is:

4 / 40

Select how you can tell if your vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock braking system:

5 / 40

The compressor is connected to the engine via _____?

6 / 40

You should___to reduce the air leakage rate.

7 / 40

An example of a low pressure warning signal for air brakes is:

8 / 40

When does your vehicle's single brake system need an adjustment?

9 / 40

What does the service brake system do?

10 / 40

Select how you would check the truck's slack adjusters.

11 / 40

Select the part that is not a part of the drum brake:

12 / 40

What does it man when the safety valve releases air?

13 / 40

The parking brakes should be used____in air brake vehicles.

14 / 40

The best way to test if the spring brakes come on automatically is to:

15 / 40

Air pressure should build___with a dual air system.

16 / 40

Select the true statement in regards to brake drums or discs:

17 / 40

You should brake on a long steep downgrade hill as a supplement to the braking effects of the engine

18 / 40

When should you avoid using the parking brake?

19 / 40

What are spring brakes?

20 / 40

Select the true statement about slack adjusters:

21 / 40

What is the benefit of ABS?

22 / 40

Select the true statement about what the Air Compressor Governor controls:

23 / 40

Select the purpose of fanning air brakes:

24 / 40

Select the factor that is known to cause brakes to fail or fade. (more than one answer may be correct, but select only one)

25 / 40

Select the factors that can cause your brakes to fade or fail:

26 / 40

Select how brakes work on long, steep downgrades:

27 / 40

You should____to check the free play of manual slack adjusters on S-Cam brakes.

28 / 40

With the engine cutt off and the brakes released the air loss in a straight truck or bus should not be more than:

29 / 40

The best way to test the low air pressure warning signal is to:

30 / 40

Should your air compressor stop working:

31 / 40

The 3 parts of the air brake system are: service brakes, parking brakes, and ____.

32 / 40

How often should you drain your air tanks?

33 / 40

Air brake systems should not lose air faster than____when testing for air leakage rates in combination vehicles before applying the brake pedal.

34 / 40

An air system that is fully charged will typically have ___ psi of pressure.

35 / 40

Select the answer that is not a part of the braking process when driving a tractor-trailer combination vehicle that has ABS:

36 / 40

You should___when driving down a long steep hill.

37 / 40

You should_____to make an emergency stop with air brakes when using the stab braking method.

38 / 40

When should you not use the parking brakes?

39 / 40

The method used to make sure the spring brakes will come on automatically is to:

40 / 40

What should you do if the low air pressure warning comes on for only one system in a truck or bus that has a dual air brake system?

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