CDL Practice Test


The Michigan CDL practice tests below offer practice test questions in all the different topic areas you’ll see on the Michigan CDL test. The tests are free and can be taken as often as you’d like to help you in your preparation for earning a Michigan commercial driver license. You will be presented with 40 questions and you must answer 34 questions correctly to pass. There is a 50-minute time limit. You may not go back once you answer a question. Click the "Start Quiz" button below to begin. 

1 / 40

Select the answer that is not a part of the braking process when driving a tractor-trailer combination vehicle that has ABS:

2 / 40

What is the best way to prevent brakes form overheating while drive down a steep grade?

3 / 40

Select the true statement about converter dollies:

4 / 40

What is the correct number of red reflective triangles that you should carry?

5 / 40

Why is understanding the loading and unloading procedures so critical?

6 / 40

What action should you take before driving while drowsy?

7 / 40

Puddles or dripping fluids from the underside of the transmission and engine may indicate:

8 / 40

The average person requires how many hours of sleep per 24 hour period?

9 / 40

What are shippers trying to accomplish when they package the material?

10 / 40

On tandem axle for trailers, the sliding mechanism and locking device is:

11 / 40

A commercial motor vehicle (CMV) is defined as:

12 / 40

When is it best to wear your seat belt?

13 / 40

You should____in order to inspect the coupling.

14 / 40

A hazard class that uses transport indexes to determine the amount that can be loaded in a single vehicle is _____.

15 / 40

What is the purpose of a baffle?

16 / 40

If students must cross the street, when they get off the bus, which statement is true?

17 / 40

An example of a low pressure warning signal for air brakes is:

18 / 40

The sliding mechanism and locking device for a tandem axle on trailers is:

19 / 40

If you have to swerve to avoid a hazard, it's important to:

20 / 40

What is the movement of the liquid called when the tanks are partially filled?

21 / 40

This object should not move more than an inch by pulled by hand with the brakes released for manual slack adjusters.

22 / 40

This item should be firmly attached the to frame, be solid, and clear of objects:

23 / 40

Why do air brakes take longer to stop than hydraulic brakes?

24 / 40

How do you release the dolly brakes when coupling twin trailers?

25 / 40

Overhead inside mirror is used to:

26 / 40

When should the trailer hand valve be used?

27 / 40

This object releases the fifth wheel locking jaw to allow uncoupling.

28 / 40

What is the best way to figure out how many seconds of following distance you have?

29 / 40

While completing the 2nd component of the air brake check you are required to turn the electrical power on, begin fanning off the air pressure by rapidly relasing and apply the foot brake and _____.

30 / 40

In Column 1 the symbol "I" means:

31 / 40

Which of the following hazard classes utilizes a transport index in order to determine how much of it can be loaded on a single vehicle for transport?

32 / 40

Be careful to check the_____when unloading the smaller tanks of bulk heads.

33 / 40

Select the vehicle that off-tracks the most.

34 / 40

When driving on a clear night with the vehicle lights on, your speed should be such that you can stop within _____.

35 / 40

To inspect the______you should pump the pedal 3 times and hold it down for 5 seconds while making sure the pedal doesn't move during those 5 seconds.

36 / 40

What is the minimum amount of distance you should maintain when driving at 50 mph in ideal conditions with a 100 ft twin trailer combination?

37 / 40

An air system that is fully charged will typically have ___ psi of pressure.

38 / 40

While driving on a clear night with low beam headlights, you should be able to stop within:

39 / 40

Which seats must have a seat belt:

40 / 40

There must be a hazardous materials identification number on the ______ and on the ______.

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Michigan Drivers Test

michigan Motorcycle Test

michigan CDL Test

CDL Category Practice Tests

CDL Practice Test

How To Get A michigan Commercial Drivers License

Applicants must be of the legal age of 18 or older. Those between the ages of 18 and 21 are only permitted to drive a commercial vehicle within the state of Michigan. Those age 21 and older may drive a commercial vehicle across state borders. Only those aged 21 and older may apply for their hazardous materials endorsement. All applicants must possess a DOT Medical Card.

An applicant’s driving record will be considered when applying for a CDL license. There are specific items in which a driver will be disqualified for a commercial driver’s license.

These include:

  • Any suspension/revocation 36 months before submitting an application.
  • Any six-point violation or conviction of operating a motor vehicle impaired 24 months prior to submitting an application.
  • Any current denial, cancellation, suspension, or revocation of driver’s license.
  • Possessing multiple licenses from other states.
  • Not meeting BFS-103 CDL Certifications.

Michigan requires all CDL applicants to complete both a knowledge test and a skills test. Michigan offers the following CDL license endorsements:

  • S – School Bus
  • T – Double Trailer
  • P – Passenger
  • N – Tank Vehicles
  • H – Hazardous Materials

Hit the Open Road

michigan CDL License Test Tips

The knowledge tests are presented in written form for Class A, B, and C applicants. All classes are required to take a 50 question assessment. Those applying for a Class A CDL will need to complete an additional 20 questions about combination vehicles.

Applicants seeking to drive vehicles with air brakes must complete a 25 question air brake assessment. Those seeking any endorsement other than hazardous materials must complete a 20 question assessment that is endorsement specific. Those applying for the hazardous materials endorsement must complete a 30 question knowledge test. All applicants must receive a score of 80 percent or higher on each test to pass.

A skills test is required for all CDL applicants regardless of Class. The School Bus and Passenger Endorsements require a skills test as well. All applicants applying for Air Brakes Certification must use a vehicle that is equipped with air brakes for their skills test. The CDL skills test consists of a vehicle inspection test, basic control skills test, and a driving test. All three test sections must be passed for CDL approval. Failure in any skills test area automatically fails the applicant.

Additional Information

CDL Testing by the Michigan Secretary of State

The Michigan Secretary of State provides administers CDL license requirements in Michigan. To get more information contact them via:

Website:  https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-1627_8669_53324---,00.html

Phone:  888.767.6424


Additional Michigan CDL Helpful Links

Please use the links below to access more valuable Michigan CDL testing resources and to learn more about practice driving tests for the state of Michigan.