new mexico
CDL Practice Test


Welcome to the CDL practice test site for New Mexico. Our test questions are designed to prepare you for the questions you’ll see on the official New Mexico MVD CDL Test. You are welcome to take these CDL practice tests as many times as you like, the tests are free. You will be presented with 40 questions and you must answer 34 questions correctly to pass. There is a 50 minute time limit. You may not go back once you answer a question. Click the "Start Test" button below to begin.

1 / 40

Select the item that is not checked in the engine compartment:

2 / 40

Your bus is disabled. With riders aboard, the bus may be towed or pushed to a safe place only:

3 / 40

It is important to know the outage required for the liquids you carry because:

4 / 40

Two causes of tire fires are ______.

5 / 40

You need to raise the landing gear just to the height of where it clears the pavement before driving.

6 / 40

How do you test the trailer service brakes?

7 / 40

The golden rule for school buses when approaching and crossing railroad tracks is:

8 / 40

When you discharge an unruly passenger, you must choose a place that is:

9 / 40

A slack adjuster is:

10 / 40

If hazardous material is spilling from your vehicle, do not move your vehicle:

11 / 40

A shipment described on the Hazardous Waste Manifest may only be delivered to another _______ carrier or treatment facility, who then signs the ______, giving you a copy which you must keep.

12 / 40

Bus drivers must have a commercial driver license if they drive a vehicle designed to seat more than:

13 / 40

While completing the 3rd component of the air brake check of a combination vehicle, at what psi should the tracor protection valve and parking brake valve should pop out?

14 / 40

The bus driver must accept responsibility for supervising and controlling students while on the bus route. Who is the person in charge?

15 / 40

Select the part that is not a part of the drum brake:

16 / 40

How often should you check the tires on a placarded trailer that has dual tires?

17 / 40

What is the minimum amount of distance you should maintain when driving at 50 mph in ideal conditions with a 100 ft twin trailer combination?

18 / 40

A placard is required for a combustible liquid at?

19 / 40

When backing your vehicle, which of the following is NOT recommended

20 / 40

Drivers placard their vehicle to _____ the risk.

21 / 40

What is the best way to see the sides and rear of your vehicle?

22 / 40

A drawbridge does not have a traffic light showing green or a traffic control attendant. How many feet before the draw of a bridge must a bus driver stop?

23 / 40

If your bus is equipped with an emergency exit door, it must:

24 / 40

Select the action that is not appropriate when driving on slippery roads:

25 / 40

Select the reason as to why air tanks need to be drained:

26 / 40

The walls that separate compartments inside the tanks and having openings at the top and bottom are called:

27 / 40

The gauge that indicates normal or increasing lubrication pressure to prevent engine seizure, failure or breakdown is:

28 / 40

A placarded vehicle must carry what type of fire extinguisher?

29 / 40

Select the true statement in regards to brake drums or discs:

30 / 40

To decide which placards you need, if any, what three things do you need to know?

31 / 40

Which of the following must drivers have in their possession while transporting class A or B explosives?

32 / 40

A trailer is at the right height to have the tractor backed up to it when:

33 / 40

Which of the following would NOT be part of a standard vehicle inspection?

34 / 40

Rods, connecting links, and arms from the steering box to the wheel are a part of the:

35 / 40

How many different hazard classes are there?

36 / 40

To find out if a shipment includes a hazardous material, you should:

37 / 40

What are the 3 methods for securing a second trailer before coupling?

38 / 40

When approaching a school bus stop, you should:

39 / 40

If there is no traffic light or attendant, how far from the draw of a drawbridge must you stop?

40 / 40

Which of the following statements about special danger of loading and unloading is true?

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CDL Category Practice Tests

CDL Practice Test

How To Get A new mexico Commercial Drivers License

To be eligible for a CDL in New Mexico, applicants must meet the following age eligibility requirements.

  • Be at least 18 years old to operate a commercial vehicle intrastate (within New Mexico).
  • Be at least 21 years old to operate a commercial vehicle interstate (outside of New Mexico).

To be eligible to operate a commercial vehicle in New Mexico, applicants must provide verification that they are medically fit to operate a commercial vehicle. New Mexico applicants must pass a vision test.

Applicants in New Mexico are required to submit the following documents when they apply for a CDL.

  • (Form MCSA-5876) Medical Examiner’s Certificate
  • CDL Holder Self-Certification form

Drivers who have had their licenses revoked, suspended, denied or canceled are not eligible for a CDL in New Mexico. Applicants must possess a basic Class D driver’s license.

New Mexico CDL Endorsements
H – Hazmat Vehicles
N – Tank Vehicles
P – Passenger Vehicles
S – School Bus
T – Towing a Double or Triple Trailer
X – Combination Tank Vehicles and Hazardous Materials

Hit the Open Road

new mexico CDL License Test Tips

Every New Mexico CDL applicant must pass the general knowledge test prior to taking the skills test. To pass the knowledge test, applicants must score 80 percent or higher. There are additional tests for applicants who want to earn endorsements to drive specialized commercial vehicles. The New Mexico skills test can be taken 14 days after applicants pass the knowledge test. It includes a pre-trip vehicle inspection, basic vehicle control and on-road driving tests. The knowledge and skills tests are scored independently.

Military veterans who were discharged within 90 days of the application and current military members can apply to have the skills exam waived if they meet certain requirements. To qualify for a waiver, applicants must:

  • Be a resident of New Mexico.
  • Have operated an equivalent vehicle to a commercial motor vehicle in the military for at least 2 years before they apply for the CDL.
  • Submit an Application for Military Skills Test Waiver that is signed by the commanding officer.

Additional Information

Information on the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division

The New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division provides oversight for the CDL license requirements in New Mexico. To get more information contact them via:


Phone: 888.683.4636

Email:  [email protected]


Additional New Mexico CDL Helpful Links

Please use the links below to access more valuable New Mexico CDL testing resources and to learn more about practice driving tests for the state of New Mexico.